Tattoo Aftercare — Gwan Soon Lee Top

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Tattoo Aftercare Made Easy

Surely, it’s exciting to get a new tattoo! But you have to remember to take care of it properly. Your tattoo is technically an open wound, that’s why proper aftercare is crucial. Aftercare is needed to prevent bacteria from getting in your skin, irritation and excessive inflammation.



After you get your tattoo, we will wrap it up to avoid bacteria from getting into your open wound. After we wrap you up, leave the bandaging on for 2-3 hours minimum. If using the “second skin” bandage, leave on for 2-3 days maximum. If your tattoo starts bleeding or leaking fluid under the bandage, then you are advised to remove it sooner. Note that you should not re-bandage the tattoo after you take the bandaging off.

What to expect for the healing process:

Don’t panic! It is completely normal for your tattoo to scab and start flaking. DO NOT and I repeat, DO NOT scratch your tattoo. If it feels irritated and itchy, just apply a thin layer of moisturizer/ Tatwax for the irritation to go away. If you can’t resist the urge to itch, many people say that if you tap the itch, it goes away without disturbing the skin. Why shouldn’t you scratch your tattoo you ask? If you scratch your tattoo, you’re technically peeling the ink right off. The ink is inserted only within the top layer of your skin (the epidermis). So, by scratching it off, you’re actually just removing the ink and then you’ll be left with patchy areas on your tattoo where the ink has been lost. If that does happen, you can always come back for a touch up! Although, we highly recommend you try your best not to touch it. Treat the area of your tattoo the way you would treat your under eyes (a very thin and sensitive part of your body).

*Please do keep in mind that we also do free touch ups if you get another additional tattoo along with it!*



Once you’ve removed the bandaging, you now have your tattoo out and exposed to the world. It is crucial to be aware of how to properly take care of your tattoo. You should carefully wash your tattoo with warm water and anti-bacterial soap. Just let the water slowly run down the area of your tattoo, do not let the water directly hit the area of your tattoo, for this can be too harsh. Be very gentle, in other words, don’t scrub your skin. After washing it, pat dry then let it air dry, do not rub. It’s important to keep up with moisturizing the tattoo! You want to keep it looking as fresh and clean as possible. You can start to moisturize it after 2-3 days of getting it. To moisturize, you have to apply a thin layer of unscented lotion, we highly recommended you use our Tat wax. (Pic of tat wax) Moisturize at least 3-5 times a day to keep your tattoo looking brand new and clean! In case you’re wondering, the reason it is recommended to use unscented lotion and soap is that the chemicals in scented products can irritate your tattoo and most likely make the pigment fade faster.

What to avoid:

Yes, when you do get a tattoo, there is a list of things to avoid. It is highly recommended to avoid these things in the first few weeks of getting your tattoo. Keep in mind, you are avoiding these things in order to keep your tattoo looking clean, fresh, healthy, and safe from bacteria. As mentioned before, do not soak your tattoo, and do not scratch your tattoo. This can cause irritation and fading of the pigment. Another thing you would have to avoid would be swimming, bathing, hot tubs and saunas. Remember, your tattoo is like an open wound, you don’t want to go into open water before it is fully healed to prevent any bacteria in the water from going into your open wound. This will disturb the healing process, damage the new tattoo design and may also cause bigger health problems. Try to avoid this for 3-4 weeks, until the tattoo is fully healed. Another thing to avoid would be direct sunlight, UV rays and tanning. Direct sunlight on your new tattoo will most likely cause it to fade much quicker. Wait until the tattoo has completely healed before having it exposed under direct sunlight, around 3-4 weeks. It’s best to protect your tattoo from direct sunlight as well as using sunscreen. If you wouldn’t put sunscreen on a fresh cut, then don’t put it on your fresh tattoo.

If you enjoy working out, then you should probably read this:

You need to understand that sweat is your enemy here. Do not overwork yourself to the point where you are drenching in sweat because as you work out, your muscles stretch your skin and you sweat. This can interrupt the healing process. You are able to do very light workouts that don’t result in sweating in the meantime. Wait at least 4-6 weeks to start getting back into your normal workout routine. Lastly, try your best to avoid tight-fitting clothing, shoes, or jewelry (depending on the area where you got the tattoo) because this can cause more irritation to the open wound. Your skin needs to be able to breathe to heal properly. Remember to keep in mind that all tattoos are different (in size and detail) and all skin is different. Some tattoos may take longer to heal than others depending on the location and how densely the ink is packed in the skin.

*Always keep your hands squeaky clean before handling the tattoo! :)*

We hope this advice for tattoo aftercare has helped you properly take care of your tattoo so it can look as amazing as ever! We hope you enjoy your tattoo and never be afraid to give us a call if you have any questions at all! :)